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Copyright by Stephen Wilbers, Ph.D.


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Problems with parallel structure

by Stephen Wilbers

Author of 1,000 columns
published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune & elsewhere

Also see columns on parallel structure.


Related sentence parts, such as items in a series, must be presented in parallel form. Correct the nonparallel elements in the following sentences:

1. She was healthy, wealthy, and a regular reader of my column.


2. He was handsome, brave, and the sort of person who would do anything for you.


3. The Budget Information System is a query system, the database is small, and we need to recognize the fact that the response time is unacceptably long.


4. Declining trees have a higher probability of branch failures and of dying prematurely.


5. In the facility construction stage, trees are often wounded by trenching, blacktopping, changing the grade, and heavy machinery.


6. Recreation users inflict many wounds by pounding nails into trees, lantern burns, and damaging their roots with vehicles and heavy equipment.


7. Declaring sustainability as a goal is one thing; putting it into operation has been an elusive goal.


8. The room was beautiful, the service impeccable, and I've never tasted better food in my entire life.


9. You are not only responsible for organizing the conference, but we also want you to introduce the keynote speaker.


10. To assess your effectiveness as a writer, consider whether your writing:

1.  Conveys your message with clarity, emphasis, precision, and style.

2.  Uses variety in sentence structure for good stylistic effect.

3.  Provides organized, coherent, logical, insightful development of the subject.

4.  Supports your main points with specific, detailed, compelling examples and illustrations.

5.  You commit no significant errors in grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation.





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Problems with parallel structure: Answers

1. She was a healthy young woman, a wealthy person, and a regular reader of my column.

Next exercise




















2. He was handsome, brave, and accommodating.

Next exercise




















3. The Budget Information System is a query system, the database is small, and the response time is unacceptably long.

Next exercise




















4. Declining trees have a higher probability of branch failures and of premature death.

Next exercise




















5. In the facility construction stage, trees are often wounded by trenching, blacktopping, changing the grade, and bringing heavy machinery too close.

Next exercise




















6. Recreation users inflict many wounds by pounding nails into trees, burning them with lanterns, and damaging their roots with vehicles and heavy equipment.

Next exercise




















7. Declaring sustainability as a goal is one thing; putting it into operation is another.

Next exercise




















8. The room was beautiful, the service impeccable, and the food delectable.

Next exercise




















9. You are responsible not only for organizing the conference but also for introducing the keynote speaker.

Next exercise




















10. To assess your effectiveness as a writer, consider whether your writing:

1.  Conveys your message with clarity, emphasis, precision, and style.

2.  Uses variety in sentence structure for good stylistic effect.

3.  Provides organized, coherent, logical, insightful development of the subject.

4.  Supports your main points with specific, detailed, compelling examples and illustrations.

5.  Commits no significant errors in grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation.

Related Column: “The Net is a dream for teachers and students”

Other columns on parallel structure


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